The next annual Haiku Canada Weekend will be held at UTM (University of Toronto, Mississauga campus) May 19-21, 2017, in Mississauga, Ontario, hosted by Anna Yin (poet laureate of Mississauga) and nick avis.
This year, the agenda will be a bit more “relaxed”. There will be no call for submissions, since book launches and readings will take centre stage. The idea is to have a “matsuri” (festival) of haiku.
Conference highlights:
Book launch of the conference anthology (editors: Claudia Radmore and Marco Fraticelli) This launch will involve memories, and stories from our collective past. Plus many more individual book launches. More this year than ever!!!
Book launch of EROTIC HAIKU Sounds of Our Pre-Words, Black Moss Press (editors: George Swede and Terry Ann Carter)
Anonymous workshops (hosted by nick avis and Terry Ann Carter) plus a surprise from nick
Homage to Eric Amann (a panel hosted by George Swede)
Readings, silent auction, books for sale and more surprises. Please join us for a great birthday party!
Details re: registration, accommodation,(banquet at the UTM Faculty Club), available on in the new year. Hope to see you there.
–from Haiku Canada (2016/11/10)