re-introduce Poetry to schools: Poetry Alive Program| Poets in Schools

Upcoming events

April 29, 2014 Poetry Alive at Francis Libermann school for Poets in Schools program (thanks for inviting me back and their feedback  in 2013. And they told me that my 2014’s was even better!  Thanks)

Hear the CBC Radio: In praise of poetry

High school students from across the country are reciting poetry. They’re doing it in French, in English and sometimes both. Find out why.

Celebrate National Poetry Month (April, 2014)

Thanks THE TORONTO QUARTERLY  for  featuring me for Poetry Month-  Read my poem: My Accent there

More about National Poetry Month/Events

A Poem A Day (Poems about April)
/ 2 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
11 / 12 /13 / 14 /15 / 16 17 /18
19 /20 /21 /22 /23 /24 /25 / 26 /27 28 / 29 /30
Kept my promise to write a poem everyday through April, post on my facebook
Day 1. Here, Take Me  Day 2. All about New York  Day 3. The Odyssey… day 8: Walking in Rain

We had a great turn out for poetry event in Markham
