facebook review and books for gifts!
*****Holiday gifts?*****
———–visit Indigo (Eglinton/Winston Churchill, Mississauga) or Chapters (Dundas/Winston Churchill Mississauga) There are sections like Local Interests and Poetry. You will find many interesting books and my two books “Inhaling the Silence” & “Wings Toward Sunlight”. Or get a signed copy…
My translations of P.K. Page,Milton Acorn and Richard Greene’s work
Impact China published them... here are both the original poems and transaltions (Thanks for Richard Greene,James Deahl, Zailig Pollock and Neal for the permission to translate these works.)
翻译三位总督文学获奖诗人:P.K. Page,Milton Acorn 和Richard Greene作品刊登在影响力中国 和 随笔南洋 / my other 10 poems in Chinese on Impact China (影响力中国网) :警告/回家的地图/住在房子里的女人 /化妆舞会 / 读特德修斯的月亮/作别向日葵/ 根雕 / 蛇 / 梵高的画馆…