I was invited by FairChild Radio Host Rebecca to talk about my poems, now you can Listen to our talk on AM1430 on March 24 (谢谢雨薇的邀请和制作,现分享 部分录音 和诗歌文字)(谢谢关注诗歌,欢迎提供建议)-星子安娜
(Rebecca is a TV program producer as well, here is one of her work for me: https://www.annapoetry.com/?p=7686 )
我想我的诗歌创作是一种潜意识的传统文化和现代诗意的多元结合,也是东西方文化的具体体验的交融。因为离开中国后到一个完全陌生的世界,让我能够体验重写自我的过程,也更体会到中国传统历史文化的可贵,渴求精神文化的认同和共鸣,渴望把东方的哲学思维和古典意境美与西方文化中个性的自由和提倡真实的自我,融合起来。2003年我尝试英文诗歌创作, 我的诗歌以东方古典意境和朴素自然的情怀得到西方诗歌界的好评。 我在学校里的诗歌讲座中,也会分享东西方文化的差异如何激发我的灵感。继续。。。
Thanks MAC and Mississauaga News
Feedback from teachers at Dolphin Senior Public School and Francis Libermann school.
Thanks Mississauga Arts Council and Mississauga News for promoting artists. There is a new weekly column from the Mississauga Arts Council profiling artists in Mississauga.
Here is “Poets shares the story behind the story” (March 12, 2015).
More interviews in the past and my two MARTYS awards (2010/2014)