Finalist for Haiku Challenge for The New York Times and BAC etc

  • 10313572_775119059189039_6127270155227156776_nglad to receive an email that my haiku has been selected as a finalist for Haiku Challenge for The New York Times…and it is on (Metro) April 25… 

new year’s firework blooms
upon the Big Apple’s sky
lights up my dream, still

  • a finalist for the In the Garden Haiku Poetry Contest…and was invited to attend the In the Garden catalogue launch on Sunday May 25 at 2pm at the Burlington Art Centre…


soaring high in sky
song from a nameless flower…
stormy life afar

golden purple joy
filling our Mother Earth’s cup
daisies guard outside

encircling bygones…
this demure water lily
under the moon-mist

Burlington’s garden
among popping poppies’ fires
artists’ wings and green

Another haiku contest (deadline June)