This is a selection of Katherine L. Gordon’s fine poems (50 poems) with my Chinese translations, beautifully designed with a mirroring layout. After Midnight is a collection of poems that reflect some vibrant years of discovery, observation and experience of what being alive in this vast sea of life really means for each of us, as we seek a place in a huge and complicated universe. Some of it is lonely, some of it so intimately connected with all natural phenomena that we are never truly alone…
This Chinese poetry collection by me comprises over 70 poems along with several prose pieces that share my experiences throughout my life journey along with various photographs. It shows the transformative power of poetry in my life and how I navigate the challenges of the world. Drawing inspiration from nature’s diverse manifestations and reflecting on the works of other eminent poets through meditative contemplation, I believe this collection full of colors and flavors.
This is a selection of DC Reid’s fine poems with my Chinese translations, beautifully designed with a mirroring layout. The book includes five glosas themed on love and life, light and dark, religion and history, human vulnerabilities, immorality and suffering, then other twenty-two poems. All are complex with rich imagery and cultural allusions with Reid distinctive style… I hope through my translations, more audiences can not only enjoy and appreciate Reid’s fine work, but also understand Canadian challenged history and complexed life of ordinary people.
诗人译诗:对动态对等的别样追求 ——评星子安娜汉译《未知之域》
Since 2022, I have translated 72 poems by Don Guettridge, now the new book “Starlight Tapestry” with his poems and my translations has been published by SureWay Press and available on Chinese Book City, Amazon and SureWay Press book store etc. For review copies, please email: [email protected].
《Mirrors and Windows/镜子与窗户》includes 39 accomplished English-language poets’ work with Anna’s Chinese translation, and 20 skilled Chinese-language poets’ work with Anna’s English translation. It provides various styles and topics from the work of a wide range of ages of modern poets of East and West.
order the book on Guernica Editions or on Amazon
- Kate Rogers review in the Goose (2022 10)
- Vivian Zhou review of Mirrors and Windows (2022 07)
- On Poetry Translation: Where Can We Detour? (2022 01/09 Freefall magazine)
- Mirrors and Windows Red Alder Review by Michael Edwards
- CBC 45 Canadian poetry collections to watch for in fall 2021
- Letter from George Elliott Clarke (2021/08/17)
- An Appreciation by John Robert Colombo ( (2021/08/12)
- Anna van Valkenburg : From East to West : An interview with Anna Yin (2021/09/05) (on periodicities : a journal of poetry and poetics)
- Mirrors and Windows- interview from Open Book (2021, Oct)
- The Artisanal Writer: Interview (2021, Nov)
- LE Poetry & Writing October: Yuan Changming review
- 《镜子和窗户-东西方诗歌与翻译》-书评(袁昌明)(加中新闻 2021/08/22)
- 【海外詩粹】星子安娜譯作精選|鏡子與窗戶 (on WePoetry Site)
- A video to celebrate the publication of Mirrors and Windows
- A video to introduce the book
- 分享加拿大双语诗歌创作/出版/翻译录像 (in Chinese)
《愛的燈塔/Love’s Lighthouse》共230頁,60首精選中英文詩歌,並有精美插圖和25位中西詩人的推薦。Available on ShowWe. ( ISBN: 978-9863267294)
Nightlight: (a book of haiku) Black Moss Press 2017 ISBN: 978-0-88753-575-8 (a book of haiku)
Review by Ron Dart on Clarion Journal of Spirit (June/2017)
Seven Nights with the Chinese Zodiac (Black Moss Press 2015) ISBN: 978-0-88753-553-6
Book Launch in Nov. 2015 at AGM
- Review by George Elliott Clarke on PDF
- Book Review by Ron Dart
- Book Review by Debbie Okun Hill
- book review on Puritan Magazine by Doyali Islam
Inhaling the Silence (Mosaic Press 2013) ISBN: 978-0-88962-994-3
George Elliot Clarke’s review in ARC Poetry
Book Review by Ron Dart…
Book review by Fran Figge (Ontario Poetry Society)
Book Review by Luiza Sadowski
Pat Connors’s Interview on NEWZ4U.NET
Comments from Allan Briesmaster / Click to see a beautiful Book Trailer
Wings Toward Sunlight (Mosaic Press 2011) ISBN: 978-0-88962-928-8
- Naming a Fish by Reid Mitchell (Review of “Wings Toward Sunlight”)
- Ron Dart’s Review on “Wings Toward Sunlight” Clarion Journal (05/2012)
- Carried on Wings: Anna Yin’s Wings Toward Sunlight ( Cha Magazine2012)
- Lois P. Jones reviewing Anna Yin’s “Wings Toward Sunlight” (Loch Raven Review)
- Interviews list for “Wings Toward Sunlight” book launchPhoto slide show at book launch
Previous chapbooks (out of prints) with reviews:
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