Happy Father’s Day

fatherPoemAnnaYinMore than a year ago, I changed to my current job and hoped to travel back and take care of my parents in China and work there for a while since I can work remotely. But the policy of America changed, then this year the COVID, I could not travel back and work from there. Each time the journey home is so long, yet the days I visit my parents are so short… I hope to stay longer in the future. Father, happy Father’s Day.
a long journey home
my father’s homemade fish
mouth slightly-open
(My other poems in Chinese and English for my father are in my book: 爱的灯塔-星子安娜双语诗选, also My father’s Temple: at The Parliamentary Poet Laureate site )

Review: Love’s Lighthouse by Anna Yin

revirew-loveLighthouseThanks Susan McMaster for reviewing my fifth poetry collection, so glad that the review is on review page of the League of Canadian Poets.
感谢加拿大诗人联盟前会长Susan McMaster 给《爱的灯塔-星子安娜双语诗选》写评。感谢加拿大诗人联盟发布。
There’s a welcoming sense of being ‘let in’ in Love’s Lighthouse. This warm collection of Anna Yin’s Chinese poetry, paired with her English versions, is rich with visual, cultural and personal intimations. All the poems were written and translated by her, some in English first, others in Chinese. Thus we have an engaging introduction to two ways of thinking about language and poetry, through the perceptions and memories of one person who has been immersed in both….
About the reviewer: Susan McMaster’s publications include books, anthologies, and scripts, recordings, and collaborations with artists, dancers, dramatists, and composers. Recent collections are Haunt and Lizard Love: Artists Scan Poems. She is the founding editor of Canada’s first feminist magazine, Branching Out, and of Vernissage, the magazine of the National Gallery of Canada.  She is a past president of the League of Canadian Poets.

Global Poetry reading events on Zoom Meeting









Thanks Jiayan Mi for hosting a global Chinese poetry event and inviting me to read. I will be glad to read two poems in Chinese on May 23,2020.

I was also invited by Vita Shtivelman to read my poems in English for Joseph Brodsky Jubilee at another zoom meeting on May 24,2020.  I will read my poems in English.

Please feel free to join either events.