My video Poems and upcoming poets laureate reading events in Great Toronto

原创献给姐妹们的诗歌音像片: 金银花和天梯/诗作者:星子安娜(Anna Yin) 原创音乐和演奏:高远,摄影作品来源岑贤道,管涛,杨律,黑燕和星子安娜。朗诵以及制作星子安娜。

I made this video poem to perform at a Chinese Poetry festival in Toronto on Sept 29 and at Mattamy Theatre event–Poets Laureate on Social Justice, Oct 16, 7:30 pm, at Aurora Public Library–Poets Laureate on Social Justice, Oct 23, 7:30 pm

 with: –Canadian Parliamentary Poet Laureate 2016-2017/Toronto Poet Laureate 2012-2015 George Elliott Clarke
— Sudbury Poet Laureate 2014-2016 Tom LeDuc…
–and host Ron Riekki, co-editor of Undocumented: Great Lakes Poets Laureate on Social Justice
 Registration is at the following link:

《愛的燈塔/Love’s Lighthouse》将在台灣出版






So glad that my bilingual poetry collection “Love’s Lighthouse” will be published in  Taiwan in Sept, 2019. There are 60 poems in Chinese and English including my award winning poems that reflecting challenges, insights, loss and hopes of immigrant journey in Canada. Poetry is the light guiding me and I hope this collection does it to you. Thanks all of you for supporting.