My ninth book has been published by SureWay Press in Feb 2024. It includes over 70 poems along with several proses that share my experiences and thoughts throughout my life journey. The Chinese title 漂 has multiple means: “drifting”. This book is a gift to all of us who have been on the journey and will be… Thank you all!
我的第九本书由Sureway Press 出版了,是中文诗集“漂”。它将随我“漂”向新的旅程。诗友们,让我们一起“漂”亮人生,“漂”亮旅程。
Thank MAC for selecting my project as MicroGrant Success: Anna Yin, Spring 2023
What We Do Not Know by DC Reid, translated by me
Another book of translations by me will be published in Mar, 2024. The author of the book is DC Reid. DC is broadly known for extensive writing on in-ocean fish farms; neuroplasticity and extensive creativity mechanisms. He lives in Victoria, BC. I will introduce his work to broad Chinese communities. Recently, my translations of Reid’s poetry has been published in 新大陆诗刊 #200 in USA. Congratulations on Reid!