Living books for the Living Library at Mississauga Campus of U.O.T.
Here are the links of the event reported by The Medium (UTM) and featured interview. Thanks a lot.
Had a great time at Windsor Bookfest and thanks!
[nggallery id=25]Photos (1,2) credit to Ashliegh Gehl. 6,7,8 credit to Christian, 5,9 credit to Sanja Frkovic.
Had a wonderful panel discussion with Kate Cayley, Dawn Kresan, Christian McPherson and moderator: Dorothy Mahoney, then the dellious author dinner and great to hear Magret Atwood’s speech, and bought her books and met many authors and readers and signed 14 copies of my book “Inhaling the Silence”… Thanks the Windsor Bookfest! Books are available at the book store in University of Windsor. Check more photos on facebook taken by Sanja Frkovic. Thanks all.