At the end is the door.
It feels like eternity.
Last item is removed,
the knot looks newer.
Nothing indicates.
You hesitate- this
replays many times in your dream.
The moon is full, trees are thin.
A door leads to another,
the long hall yawns deep…
A deer steps in,
you wake up at the green.
You search for its italic code,
behind the curtain
an enormous foot looms.
Meeting at Mosaic Press and good news to share
We discussed the contract about Professor Purohit wanting to translate my book “Wings Toward Sunlight“(Mosaic Press 2011) into Hindi. I shared the good news that Mississauga News reported my event and brought the copy, Howard took a photocopy happily and let me see their new 2013-14 Catalogue.
My new book “Inhaling the Silence” is on the cover and inside.
Glad! Afterwards I dropped by at Chapters, and found that only one copy of “Wings Toward Sunlight” is left and 16 Inhaling the Silence… We made good progress. Thanks for all the support! My books are also available at Mosaic Press and Amazon, and for signed copy please contact me. Thanks.
Aug 31 Poetry Alive program updates
We had a wonderful time together and a dynamic discussion. Thank you for coming! Thank the Mississauga News and SNAP Newspaper and Mississauga Library.
Thanks Mark Harry’s invitation, we had Poetry and Music at Second Cup and enjoyed the evening.