多伦多图书馆中文读书会:星子安娜(Anna Yin)诗歌故事分享

多伦多图书馆主持星子安娜(Anna Yin)诗歌故事分享/2022年3月19日下午2点-3点半(美东时间) 


  1. 安娜介绍名字由来以及诗歌故事,分享2分钟读诗短片:As Much As You Know以及中文
  2. 播放一段 3分钟视频 十年诗歌之旅
  3. 讲叙如何走上诗歌之旅, 并分享两首诗歌 《作别向日葵》以及如何写诗,诗歌为何获奖和被CBC 电台采访播放的故事
  4. 如何当选为密市桂冠诗人,以及责任以及义务,分享一首图像诗和几首Haiku
  5. 分享如何翻译洛夫的诗以及收获,同时分享6分钟中英朗诵视频。
  6. 做为诗歌评委,谈谈给诗歌投稿的一点建议。

Festive Appreciation: Online Spontaneous Poetry One On One with Anna Yin

To thank friends and book lovers who support Mirrors and Windows, Anna Yin has offered writing spontaneous poems upon booked online meetings from Dec 1 to Feb 12. (Now all spots have been booked) Here are some samples from spontaneous poetry online meeting with Anna Yin.

• Some Samples from spontaneous poetry online meeting with Anna Yin

To read more of Anna Yin’s spontaneous poems written previously, please check here.