Mosaic Press & the London Book Fair, April 16-18 2012

Mosaic Press will be exhibiting its new and recent titles at its booth at the Lndon Book fair, Earl’s Court, London April 16-18, 2012.  Mosaic Press will also be exhibiting its titles at the Frankfurt Book Fair, October 10-14, 2012.   My book “Wings Toward Sunlight” was there last year too.
Purdy Country Literary Festival (PurdyFest) will be honouring Milton Acorn at its 6th annual festival this summer. I was invited by Chris to do a presentation on Milton for Acorn Fest like I did on Ray Souster last summer.

My haiku won a gift certificate for

early spring
I doze off
someone else’s butterfly                    March’s Spring Poem Winner 
other haiku for fun….  from java to haiku
                                                      I swing
                                               to catch a breath