Mirrors and Windows arrived, thanks Guernica Editions!

mirror1 《Mirrors and Windows/镜子与窗户》includes 39 accomplished English-language poets’ work with my Chinese translation, and 20 skilled Chinese-language poets’ work with my English translation. It provides various styles and topics from the work of a wide range of ages of modern poets of East and West. Thanks Guernica Editions for beautiful design! You can order the book on Guernica Editions now or on Amazon. Also thank WePoetry to promote it:【海外詩粹】星子安娜譯作精選|鏡子與窗戶


Here is a video to introduce the book.

Please check upcoming events to celebrate East Meets West and the book:

Sept 16, 2021: Celebrate the Moon Festival with Your Own Haiku – 這個中秋淺吟俳句
 Sept 30, 2021: East Meets West: Mirrors and Windows, online reading and interview at Aurora Library 
and more...



Picking Up a Dandelion for Poetry In Voice

poetry-invoiceSo glad that my poem: Picking up a Dandelion was selected for Poetry In Voice anthology. Thank you Sarah Tsiang for selecting it. Please check the interview on Poetry in Voice…. I also want to thank #CBC Radio and Lorna Crozier for that poem… Once I listened to CBC radio to an interview of Lorna Crozier about her poems: Sex Lives of Vegetables, I was blown away…I wanted to challenge myself to write like that. So I wrote “Picking Up a Dandelion”, which is a poem that could be read both erotically and spiritually. I also translated it into Chinese.dandelion1

Poetry and Translation with Anna Yin, I am nobody, 星子有话说– 诗歌创作和翻译漫谈

湖畔沙龙:诗歌创作和翻译公众讲座 (7月17日, 2021)
主讲诗人:星子安娜  主持: 诗人古土。

Hu Pan School invited Anna Yin to share her processes of writing poetry and translating poetry. Host: Poet Gu Tu (诗人古土)Speaker: Anna Yin (Language : Chinese)