Thank Tupelo Quarterly for accepting my translation : “Thirteen Short Poems to Chew On” from 严力‘s Chinese poems. It is now on the issue of January.
Thank The Prairie Journal publishing two of my translations of 木西’s Chinese poems.
My two other translations of 严力’s Chinese poems (Textbook & Falling) were accepted by Cha: An Asian Literary Journal for En Route.
My translation of 颜艾琳’s 超級販賣機 will be in Queen’s Quarterly’s summer 2025 issue. Thanks! #poetry #translations
Short videos of my visit at JiNan University (China)
感谢暨南大学世华馆的精心制作,五期短视频推送,留存分享!!! (Thanks JiNan University for filming and editing the following events during my visit in April 2024)
世华馆客厅 | 加拿大华裔诗人星子安娜讲座花絮 (Poetry Workshop highlights)
世华馆客厅 | 对话加拿大华裔诗人星子安娜(一)(Interview highlights)
世华馆客厅 | 对话加拿大华裔诗人星子安娜(二)
世华馆客厅 | 对话加拿大华裔诗人星子安娜(三)
世华馆客厅 | 加拿大华裔诗人星子安娜推介新著 (Book discussion highlights)
Three great news to share…
I am thrilled to know that my new poetry collection (my 10th book) was accepted to be published in 2025 by Frontenac Press. Dr. Micheline Maylor-Kovitz (former Calgary poet laureate and a fine poet/editor) will be my editor. I am very much looking forward to working with her!
Two esteemed Canadian poets, Katherine L. Gordon and James Deahl, have entrusted Sureway Press with designing and publishing their new poetry collection, “Awareness.” I am delighted to be part of this project.
I have more great news: after introducing Li Yan’s work through my translations to Queen’s Quarterly, they have now accepted my translation of another esteemed Chinese poet, Yen Ai-Lin.