I was glad to write poems for Canada Day and read them at Celebration Square when I was Mississauga’s Inaugural Poet Laureate (2015-2017). Here are the poems and video.
So glad to receive Thank You from FX students
I was so happy to have Poetry Alive workshops again at St. Francis Xavier Secondary School on June 21, 2022. Thank all the teachers and students for making this great and fond memory. Thank them for sending the google slides, please take a moment to view With Thanks From FX. I also saved them here! See you soon for more poetry!
Glad to win a MAC’s 2022 MicroGrant

Here is my project poster and details. Our Haiku workshops will combine in-person walks and virtual writing workshops focusing on building creative and resilient communities. The first nature walk starts June 25, 2022 and the workshops run throughout the summer. Thank all our sponsors! See you all.