Celebrating #AsianHeritageMonth

To celebrate National Poetry Month & Asian Heritage MonthAnna Yin wrote 24 haiku that were inspired by Neville G. Poy & Vivienne Poys beautiful photography book: Precious Moments. Please check the video to find more about Poys’ wonderful book! Some of them will be used at Anna Yin’s school and community haiku workshop programs. Thanks Dr. Vivienne’s permission!

pink water lily
mirroring herself…
full moon night

….read more haiku…

Also thank Mississauga Culture Department Team for interviewing me and recording my poems!

Celebrate the Cherry Blossom Festival with Your Own Haiku – 櫻花時節吟俳句

Celebrate the Cherry Blossom Festival with a fun and interactive poetry appreciation event hosted by Anna Yin for Vancouver Public Library has received wonderful feedback. Here is one:

Congratulations on another excellent session tonight, grateful for the opportunity to learn from you.  Thank you for sharing your time, expertise and love for poetry.  Wonderful to see you again? -Maria