Lately when I wanted to teach students about shape poetry, I used my poem to illustrate how it could be revised as a shape poem and it worked well. Now it wad published in Modern Poetry In Translation in UK!
Glad to receive copies from UK! Thanks.
Join us for Poets and Painters-Arts in Translation on Dec 9, 2022
SureWay Cultrual Services and CPAC will host a unique Poets and Painters, Arts in Translation event which will extend the meaning of translation, inviting the audience to see how poets and painters use literary and visual languages to translate their thoughts and experiences in various media (canvas, paper etc) , and how a translator interprets their “translations” into another language (Chinese or English)
12月9日旭辉文化传媒和加拿大华人专业人士协会将举办一次别出心裁的 “诗画相约,诗人和画家跨越时空多元对话”,将扩展翻译的含义,邀请观众观摩诗人和画家如何使用文学和视觉语言在各种媒介(画布、纸张等)中诠释翻译他们的思想和经验,以及译者如何将他们的 “翻译 “释为另一种语言(中文或英文)。
We will also preview works will be published by Queen’s Quarterly winter 2022, Epoch Poetry Quarterly in Taiwan (创世纪诗刊 2022)冬季刊。Click to read more detail of the event.
A great success and a splendid event for 10th Anniversary Edition Poetry at the Manor!
Poetry at the Manor – Vol. 10 was a great event to celebrate the milestone tenth anniversary of the beloved event, which returned to an in-person format at Willistead Manor in Walkerville. This year’s line-up included Anna Yin (inaugural Poet Laureate for Mississauga), Richard-Yves Sitoski (Poet Laureate for Owen Sound), Micheline Maylor (Poet Laureate Emeritus for Calgary), and Sarah Lewis (past Poet Laureate for Peterborough). Thanks Windsor’s talented team!