Congrats on Dream Weavers films and all of us!
So glad to share Dream Weavers films, yes, 6 films premiered yesterday, now they are on YouTube, our film is Beneath the Makeup! I also wrote a poem: The Scar (shape poem) for that. #film #story Thank Dream Weavers and our team’s talented members! So glad that we made it!

Festive Appreciation: Online Spontaneous Poetry One On One with Anna Yin
To thank friends and book lovers who support Mirrors and Windows, Anna Yin has offered writing spontaneous poems upon booked online meetings from Dec 1 to Feb 12. (Now all spots have been booked) Here are some samples from spontaneous poetry online meeting with Anna Yin.

• Some Samples from spontaneous poetry online meeting with Anna Yin
To read more of Anna Yin’s spontaneous poems written previously, please check here.