George Elliott Clarke Presents 5 Poets Breaking into Song

5 POETS BREAKING INTO SONG (2)A night with poetry, music and songs by 5 poets, 4 composers and 2 singers with former Canadian Poet Laureate and wide audience!

The Poets: Ayesha Chatterjee, Giovanna Riccio,Lisa Richter,Andrea  Thompson, Anna Yin
The Composers, Singers, & Pianist: Emily Hiemstra, David Jaeger, Juliet Palmer,James Rolfe, Karen Usha, Gao Yuan, Mark Harry,
Hosts: George Elliott Clarke and Yang Wang 
Thank Sponsors: George Elliott ClarkeLeague of Canadian PoetsEast and West Learning Connections.


Review: Love’s Lighthouse by Anna Yin

revirew-loveLighthouseThanks Susan McMaster for reviewing my fifth poetry collection, so glad that the review is on review page of the League of Canadian Poets.
感谢加拿大诗人联盟前会长Susan McMaster 给《爱的灯塔-星子安娜双语诗选》写评。感谢加拿大诗人联盟发布。
There’s a welcoming sense of being ‘let in’ in Love’s Lighthouse. This warm collection of Anna Yin’s Chinese poetry, paired with her English versions, is rich with visual, cultural and personal intimations. All the poems were written and translated by her, some in English first, others in Chinese. Thus we have an engaging introduction to two ways of thinking about language and poetry, through the perceptions and memories of one person who has been immersed in both….
About the reviewer: Susan McMaster’s publications include books, anthologies, and scripts, recordings, and collaborations with artists, dancers, dramatists, and composers. Recent collections are Haunt and Lizard Love: Artists Scan Poems. She is the founding editor of Canada’s first feminist magazine, Branching Out, and of Vernissage, the magazine of the National Gallery of Canada.  She is a past president of the League of Canadian Poets.

Why Poetry? Answers found in “Measures of Astonishment”


(A refreshing and eclectic mix of both deeply personal and formal essays that offer a glimpse into the minds of some of Canada’s most influential poets: Margaret Atwood, George Elliot Clarke, Anne Carson, Anne Simpson, Tim Lilburn, Marilyn Bowering, A.F. Moritz, Mark Abley, Glen Sorestad, Robert Currie, Don McKay, Lillian Allen, and Gregory Scofield) -Measures of Astonishment” Poets on Poetry
                                         –Qutoes from publisher

From time to time, I wonder “Why Poetry?”… 
After reading a part of the book: Why Poetry (by Margaret Atwood) and Every Exit is an Entrance (A Praise of Sleep) by Anne Carson, I have gotten answers…. thanks!


Glad that two of my new poems:”Family Album” and “Because Of” were published in “Quixotica” in HongKong. This collection of poems is by both award-winning and emerging poets from Hong Kong, Singapore, the Phillippines and beyond, illustrating how Don Quixote continues to inspire and illuminate across oceans and centuries. Good luck to the book launch in HongKong this July.