Here is what Allan says about my new book:
With such delicate precision and clarity, the lyricism of Anna Yin’s poems is remarkably fresh. Anna brings many qualities of classic Chinese poetry into fluent, distinctive English, while her poems about the Canadianpoets who have influenced her reveal a truly trans-national voice and sensibility, nourished by landscapes and cultures across the globe. She writes, touchingly and with equal imaginative power, about her combined Chinese and Canadian family background and her very contemporary experiences and awareness.
In her new collection, the first part, “Night Songs,” are generally lyrical–that is to say, short, intense, and somewhat musical. They draw upon the author’s roots in Chinese landscape and culture, though some are set in Canada and other countries as well as China. They include poems dedicated to major Canadian poets: Leonard Cohen, Irving Layton, and P.K. Page. The second section, “This Blue Planet,” is even wider in scope: with poems set in such diverse places as North Korea, the U.S., and Cuba. In a very personal and thoughtful, not abstract or theoretical way, they confront wide-ranging subjects like the environment, economics, and social justice. Allan Briesmaster
安娜的诗歌精巧,优美,空灵,清新,把中国古典诗歌的品质带到流畅,鲜明的英语里,她以感人和丰富的想象力,富有现代感的经验和意识,展示了真正的跨国家的声音和情感,以及全球的人文观和文化的滋养。手稿分两部分,第一部分,“夜歌”以抒情为主,诗歌精美流畅,激昂热烈。既有根植于中国传统的景观和文化,也借鉴穿插着北美和其他文化。其中有献给加拿大诗人Leonard Cohen,欧文•雷顿,P.K Page等。第二部分,在蓝色星球之上,面对更广泛的范畴,以严谨朴实的诗风展示现实,环境,经济和社会等矛盾。
sample poems: The Flowering of the Bra | Posing for an Artist | The Path | “Shoes, secret face of an inner life” | Grandma’s Warning | “Talking to Frida Kahlo” | “Seeds of a Bailout” | Lust, Caution” & “The Night Song” | Dear Reader | For Irving Layton | Purple and Gold | Fox Love | The Dream of the Fish | My Car as My Body | The Only One | A Living Will | An Invisible Cocoon … Thanks Terry Barker, Allan Briesmaster and Richard Greene for their wonderful suggestions and comments. I am glad and grateful that Richard Greene wrote the introduction. –Anna Yin